TraDigitalArt Channel: the New Medium

TraDigitalArt, in its willingness and desire to gather and support positive people, has developed a new project: TraDigitalArt Channel, the purpose of which is to help those who are seeking the truth and looking for answers about the mystery of life, of life after death, of the spiritual, ethereal and astral dimensions. We do this through art, which is a perfect instrument to express spiritual intuitions, beauty, intended as a divine expression, and positivity, that underlies all God’s creation.


On TraDigitalArt Channel you can find original audiovisual art with amazing videos and music with middle-way dimension spiritual and healing heavenly sounds, that encourage a positive state of mindfulness, relaxation, meditation, and of peaceful calm, aimed at improving spiritual growth and awareness, to enable spiritual ascesis and self-realization.


We emphasize positive feelings and emotions which are the path that, if cultivated, leads us to self-realization on earth and to cross the intermediate dimension after life, to reach happiness in the Kingdom of Heaven.


Be smART and open your heART!  Make a new stART with TraDigitalArt!

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