Touching the Blue

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"Touching the Blue" or I used to call this as, "The Unattainable". This is one of my dearly pieces, a special one that I made for some precious persons who were fighting for their dreams. It is a blue rose, being held loosely in the middle of freezing winter night. Known widely as 'the unattainable', the blue rose represents dreams that seem impossible to reach; the fact that the blue rose is in the grip, means that even there is still a hope to even reach the impossible. The hand that has been trying to search for hope, even in the middle of the cold and almost giving up, is slowly tightening the grip when the blue rose finally landed on them. I made this painting as a comfort, a support for people that I am caring about who might already on the verge of giving up their dreams. This painting also warms and heals myself as the artist, the one who used to struggle too in the past, and I want to share the comfort to everyone else with the hope that there will be people who can be comforted by my simple painting of the blue rose.

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