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Afterlife is an afterlife. None of the Living really knows what it looks like and whether it exists or not. The interpretation of afterlife itself is broad, but if it really exists I want my afterlife to be peaceful, quiet and full of happiness. But, other than that, this painting is not simply about 'afterlife' in literal meaning, but also about the Life itself. I got inspiration from the culture and belief that I've been growing up with, about reincarnation and afterlife. They said that if we live our best each day and be a positive presence to our surroundings, we'll be rewarded by a happy peaceful afterlife for eternity. I saw these in a different light: rather than see them as literal 'after life', I see the Afterlife as the Life we're facing now. I created this painting to remind people about how precious Life is and that if we think about the happy, peaceful end to each of our problems in life; our behaviors toward the problems become better and 'reward' will eventually come to us. I want people to not be afraid of unpleasant situations but instead, confront them to live happily.

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